4 Ways To Empower Our Girls

| October 1, 2014 | 0 Comments

There are many physical and emotional changes throughout a girl’s life. At around age 9 and 10, hormones cause changes in one’s body as puberty begins. The ways in which parents and adults relate with girls greatly influence how young girls will relate with themselves. Young girls today face more challenges than young girls even 10 years ago. The internet, tv and social media exposes them to more and more information; and some teen celebrities might not be the healthiest role models.

The more we as parents and caregivers make sure to take care of our own selves and nurture ourselves, the easier it will be to inspire our youth to do the same. It is of utmost importance for us to be very conscious of what we say and think when we interact with our daughters and nieces and since 80% of communication is nonverbal, even our unspoken body language sends strong messages to their subconscious minds and creates an imprint.

The following are tips to ensure our daughters grow up feeling empowered and in love with their whole and unique selves:

  1. Choose to see her as a powerful, strong and confident young girl. There is much power with intention and what we believe we receive. When we see our child in their highest and expect great things from them, they do too. When we worry, our child learns how to worry. Worry weakens us and causes our children to fear, feel unsure and weak. We create a stable foundation of support by choosing to feel safe, trusting and supportive for our daughters.
  1. Listen with our undivided attention along with lots of unconditional love, patience and acceptance. This raises our love vibration and inspires our daughters to feel important, valuable, worthy and acknowledged. This is how we learn to accept and love ourselves. When we as parents feel this way towards ourselves, the message comes through authentically and our children feel that much more sure of themselves.
  1. Appreciate and feel grateful for yourself and your daughter. This augments our feelings of love and teaches our daughters to appreciate themselves and others. Notice her actions with verbal cues of appreciation and acknowledgement. An example is “You picked up your plate and took it to the sink after dinner, you know how to clean up after yourself! You put your clothes away and made your bed. You know how to keep our home so organized!”
  1. Loving touch rituals. Heart hugs are conscious heart to heart hugs we can do throughout the day with our girls. Hugs are so healing and instant ways to connect with our daughters. We can stroke the back of our daughters before they sleep or while sitting next to us. It is important to ask for permission before we touch our children. We can create loving circles around their upper back. This calms and connects us to our children. Massage and touch rituals are fun and healthy ways to create healthy boundaries and teach our child about how to be touched respectfully and lovingly.

Try these tips throughout your day and notice how your child thrives with joy and connection.

Comment down below and share with us how you empower and love your child. Share this article with a friend!

Michelle Alva, PT

Michelle Alva, PT

Michelle Alva is a mom, holistic physical therapist, intuitive healer, sound therapist, infant massage instructor, yoga therapist, and pre/postnatal bellydance teacher with 20 years experience. She empowers, inspires, and educates through her writings, one-on-one emotional release bodywork sessions, workshops, retreats and public speaking. Michelle is a catalyst for individuals to feel lighter, de-stress, and align with their intuition and authentic self. She has created guided meditations and online self-empowerment and life-enhancing programs. Visit her website www.michellealva.com and receive a free gift to Empower Your Center and Ignite Your Soul's Joy. Check out Michelle's New Self-Care Mastery Course for women at www.sexysacredsensualyou.com.

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Tags: attachment parenting, emotional presence, empowering girls, empowerment, Girls Justice Day, growth, healthy self-esteem, parenting strategies, self respect, self-love

Category: Compass

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