Tag: relationships
10 Ways To Nourish Your Child’s Identity Exploration and Free Spirit
Try these tips throughout your week to connect with your family. Let us know how they help you to feel more love, independence and freedom in your relationships.
The Essence of Fatherhood
Just as there are as many different types of mothering, so too are there types of fathering. The distant, workaholic patriarch of the 1980’s is just one type, but is often the stereotype that is referred to…
The Ups and Downs of Friendship
Life is a roller coaster ride. There are ups and there are downs. Your friends are with you hands high in the air as you climb higher and higher and hold your hand tight when you are falling straight down. But what happens when your best friend decides to get off that roller coaster just as you are about to fall?
Friends Fill In the Rough Spots
In addition to the desire to invest in my existing relationships, I now had an opportunity to form new relationships, meet new friends, new colleagues, and engage with them in curious mutual interest. I […]
The Intimacy of Brothers
I leaned back against the kitchen counter slowly sipping my tea. Dinner devoured, dishes washed, and dimmed lights all signaled the end of another weekday. My attention was drawn to the two boys […]
Psychology – The Healing Journey
There are days when I am completely alone: no kids, no guy, just me and the quiet. Sometimes it is welcomed and sometimes it is unsettling. Yesterday it was welcomed.
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Telling Your Loved One About Your Terminal Illness
Finding out that you only have a few months or less before you are going to die, is one of the most challenging things anyone will ever have to face. And one of the next hardest tasks is telling your friends and family about this tragic news.
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Learning to Love Myself Again
How do you learn to love yourself after feeling lost for so long? How is it that we are first to sacrifice ourselves and our happiness for others, knowing full well that it isn’t healthy? How come we feel squidgy putting our needs first to sacrifice ourselves and our happiness for others, knowing full well […]
My Story Could Be Our Story
When I’m introduced to somebody new, as in, “This is Jaime, she works in Domestic Violence,” I shudder a little bit. I dislike using the term Domestic Violence because it has become a pairing of words that elicits a deeply conditioned set of beliefs […]
Communication From the Heart
When we are speaking to someone we love and trying to express something that may be difficult for the other person to hear, it can often be challenging to clearly express our message without negative feelings drowning the connection or the subject changing.
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A Person and A Place
My two young sons and I were a tight trio, especially after a long and difficult split with their father, and we were ready for an adventure. We left California, drove across the country, and moved into a ramshackle farmhouse […]
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