Category: Community
How You and Your Blended Family Can Embrace the Spirit of the Holidays
Being part of a blended family is an exercise in knowing yourself and what you want very well. It also means compromise and the realisation that no one situation will ever mean everyone is happy.
The Ineffable Wonder of Clouds
In my personal experience, cloud watching is a lofty and healthy escape from daily, earthly life. Watching clouds offers us a way to reconnect with our childlike wonder. It stimulates my creativity and puts me […]
Friends Fill In the Rough Spots
In addition to the desire to invest in my existing relationships, I now had an opportunity to form new relationships, meet new friends, new colleagues, and engage with them in curious mutual interest. I […]
Touching Forgiveness: A Day of Mindfulness with My Dad
Located near the Catskills, there lies a special place that opens its doors to visitors who would like to come and participate in something called “a day of mindfulness.” It is as simple as it sounds […]
My Story Could Be Our Story
When I’m introduced to somebody new, as in, “This is Jaime, she works in Domestic Violence,” I shudder a little bit. I dislike using the term Domestic Violence because it has become a pairing of words that elicits a deeply conditioned set of beliefs […]
Autism Speaks. We Listen.
Autism Speaks is an organization dedicated to changing the lives of those impacted by ASD. Founded in 2005 by Bob and Suzanne Wright, grandparents of a child with Autism, Autism Speaks has grown into the nation’s largest Autism science and advocacy organization, dedicated to funding research into the causes, prevention, treatments and a cure for Autism.
New Beginnings
Many of the girls in the juvenile justice system have suffered abuse and many of these girls simply need someone to listen to them without trying to make it better.
Resolving Adolescent Conflicts
Giving a consequence to someone who experiences herself as bad is a difficult task, because the consequence only provides further data supporting a negative self-assessment. Adolescents are particularly skillful at creating evidence to support their underlying beliefs about themselves.
Why Teenagers Can’t Say Thank You
Christy was three years behind in high school- super embarrassing for her to be older than everyone in her class and so far behind. Christy would storm in my office, conveniently located outside of her classes, slam her hands down at my desk, stare intensely into my eyes and scream at the top of her lungs…
Letting the Air Out (Expressing Feelings)
If you say you are going to do something, do it. If you asked for a break, then take it. Don’t start up the argument again. Following through is especially important when you are dealing with a conflict with your child.