Category: Parenting
We Are Grateful
How do we find gratitude in such a desolate landscape? We open our eyes and see all that you still are, and not that which has been taken from you.
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Sorrow Prepares You For Joy
It’s November and, of course, all the gratitude posts start filtering through social media asking each of us “What are you grateful for?” An unlikely and unexpected whisper said, “I am grateful for my struggle”
The Path of Least Resistance: From Chaos to Acceptance
Are addicts, or addictive personalities, born from nature or nurture? Whichever pie graph you choose, mine reads 100%. Chaos, fighting, unpredictability, poverty, drugs, and alcoholism were the highlights…
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The Peace of Predictability in Parenting
Maybe I am boring, but I find peace in the predictability of planning our time, knowing what to expect, and having set routines to rely on. Shuffling between camps and not knowing how schedules […]
The Delight of Parenting
Celebrating the little things of parenting is like a shot of coffee at the beginning of a night shift; it is a boost to keep you going.
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Doing the “Birds and Bees” Conversation Differently
I am doing things differently in my house and in raising my daughter. I don’t want her experience to be as in the dark as mine, and at times terrifying and shaming. You see, that’s what happens when some […]
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6 Ways to Spring Clean Your Parenting Life
Spring is not only the perfect time to clear away the dust and dirt in your home, but as a parent it’s also a great time to clean up your overall attitude and stagnant outlooks about raising your children […]
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5 Ways To Be Your Own Best Friend
Friendships cannot be taken for granted. They require time, energy, input – even those “never see but always besties” relationships. Friendships do come and go, but in the case of yourself, be there for a […]
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Remembering to Mother Myself
The New Year is always filled with mixed emotions for me. Excitement over the endless possible ways to fill the days versus complete overwhelm. I was reminded last week of two concepts: perception and […]
The Intimacy of Brothers
I leaned back against the kitchen counter slowly sipping my tea. Dinner devoured, dishes washed, and dimmed lights all signaled the end of another weekday. My attention was drawn to the two boys […]
Parenting – “Sort of” Sisters
When Mina was born, I developed a hip condition and knew I wouldn’t be having more kids. So much for siblings…or so I thought. A divorce and new relationship later and suddenly there are three little […]